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公司名称: 西安浩普软件科技有限公司

主营产品: 预约挂号系统  网上预约挂号系统  短信预约挂号系统  电话录音软件  电话录音系统  微信系统开发  呼叫中心系统  医德医风考评系统 

企业成立: 2007-01-18 员工规模: 1 - 10人

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

    西安虹讯软件科技有限公司成立的*天,技术定位就瞄准了国际上最前沿的技术并汇聚了业内具有丰富管理经验和丰富的技术开发经验的人才。技术上的精湛,管理上的*并结合对市场的了解,使我们更善于提供有生命力的技术和更有生命力的用户解决方案。 Rainbow News Software Technology Co., Ltd. Xi’an set up the first day, technical orientation will target the world’s most cutting-edge technology and brought together the industry with extensive management experience and a wealth of experience in technology development personnel. Technically superb, efficient management combined with knowledge of the market, so that we are better at providing a viable technology and a more viable solution for the user. 我们的宗旨:Our aim Customers matter, big or small; noted the Review of the *t-implementation. 我们的方向:Our direction E-business Software 我们的用人理念:Our employment philosophy Youde Youcai Reuse Youde not only train Youcai do not have moral standards 我们的原则:Our principles Today, things to do at once Tomorrow things ready to do Difficult and courageous to do Does not matter, learn to do it A collective thing, take the lead Own business, taking the time to do it 我们的价值观:Our values Integrity dedicated innovation and enterprising Integrity means that we work motivation Refers to the attitude of professionalism in our work Innovation refers to our ability to work Progress means that we work and studies 我们的目标:Our goal To create customer benefits The development of employee benefits To achieve the company’s interests



价格: 电议

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